Monday, November 10, 2008


What can you do with food in the library?
You can read about it, or --

You can talk about it, or --

you can paint with it, or --

you can build with it, or --

you can arrange it, or --

you can create with it, or --

you can conserve it very carefully, or --

you can share it with friends, or --

you can savor every morsel!
What began as a simple snack to energize active children has become a highlighted activity at KinderPrep. Hence, the term, "snacktivity" (as coined by Miss Constance), is another way to engage pre-kindergartners with Pennsylvania Learning Standards. Whether they are organizing their fruit alphabetically, or identifying the food groups in this thing called a "pyramid", these children are involved in the preparation and presentation, as well as in the eating, of a simple snack.

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